3 Leica and One lense
Indeed after years of using Leica M system I had for a long time only my Summilux 35 mn a Voightlander 50mn and a Leica M10P.
I had the Fujifilm XT4 for outdoor photography with long lenses but it appears that I was using mainly, exclusively my Leica M10P and usually with the summilux 35 for landscape photography.
I decided to buy a full suite of lens for my Leica M.
And I decided to start analog photography and I love doing it. For me film is another universe of photography as we understand today which are mainly digital.
And recently I bought a second hand Leica M10 Monochrom. It was a dream to have one, and at the moment is probably the camera that I use constantly.
But recently I went on a break for a week with our van and I took all my gear, the Leica system and my Fuji system because I wanted to photograph wildlife. At the end it appears that I only used the 3 leicas and one lens.
Now if I decide to travel light it will be my combo. It could be and I say it could be that I could end up with only the Mononchrom and the film camera with a portra 400
That being said It does not mean that I am not using my Fuji system. I just bought the XT5 and I intend to use it.